Ok, so I left off with my cousins, Derek and Devin. We took them to the airport and missed them as soon as we dropped them off!

Part of the time the boys were in town, my parents were out of town. They went to the beach with David, Susan, and Mary Courington. Aren't they cute????

Never before seen and captured on camera... Marty wears a pair of shorts!

After Jared and I dropped the boys off at the airport, we came home, packed, and left for Brundidge. We spent the night with the in-laws and then drove to Panama City, FL, the next morning for two of Jared's cousins weddings. Friday evening A LOT of the Sanders had dinner together at The Back Porch. Later that evening we went over to drop off some things for Samantha's wedding. Saturday morning Jared, Andy, and I walked around Pier Park. Next we headed over to (I forget the name of the public beach) at the Jettie's. Samantha and Richard were married in the pavillion there on the beach. Lots of fun happenings there!

After their wedding, we went to the reception at the clubhouse. Then, it was off to the Paradis Palms for Katie and Stewart's wedding. It was right on the beach of the hotel where all of us Sanders were staying, at sunset. It was beautiful! The reception was on the deck of the Paradise Palms. We had a wonderful time with everyone!

Cade May

Jared and Tony

Sunday we went to church and then came home in time for church that evening.
Friday, July 31, was my mama's birthday! I went to JCA summer camp to visit and came home with Chandler and Marley for the weekend! We stopped by Sam's to pick mama out some treats for her birthday. Marley picked out 4 molten cakes, chocolate and cinnamon. Chandler picked out M&M sandwich cookies with cream in the middle. Then we surprised her at work! That evening was the last youth devotional for the summer at the church building. Xander had been leading songs like a big boy all summer at the devotionals. I always had trouble singing with him because I was too busy choking back tears of pride. Well, I told Chandler he could lead a song if he wanted to. I told him he had to wait until the song was finished. When the song finished, Chandler piped, "I wanna lead one!" Too late because someone else had already started one. David heard him so when that song was over David told the crowd that Chandler wantged to lead a song. He asked Chandler what did he want to lead, but Chandler froze, so someone else led one. Chandler told David he wanted to led Jesus Loves Me! Then he walked up in front of everyone and started the song! I found myself once again choking back tears of pride! This was Chandler's first time and he did such a good job! He goes to a VERY big church so opportunities are not the same for him when it comes to leading singing and such like we have at Sylvan Springs. I am so PROUD of that kid!
I sent this picture to his dad!

The next morning we set off to get mama a birthday gift. Marley and I picked out the gift while Jared took Chandler into a guy store, where he would do less damage (if you know Chan then you know what I mean!)
Jared took this picture of Chan at Hibbetts.

At Big Lots, Chandler picked mama out some stamps which he just so happened to get to play with at church the next morning! Then we headed over to Macaroni Grill to meet mama, daddy, and Pam for lunch.

August 8: I went to Ladies Day at Ashville Road with Katie and Rachel. Then shopping with Katie!
August 12: First day of school! Ugh!
August 14: We all took Jared Xander back to school shopping and he was spoiled rotten! We had dinner with David and Susan at Dale's. Susan asked Xander what he had learned his first week of school and he replied, "I learned to go to time-out!" That boy!
August 16: I went to Katie's baby shower at Kim's. That night after church we had an "sending off to college for Alex.
August 17: Joseph started his first day of education classes. He is getting another degree, fine arts in education. I am so proud of him! He is loving his classes!
August 21: Daddy's surgery! Ugh! It didn't turn out the way we had hoped, but there is still hope! We will know more in January! PLEASE keep praying for him and thanks for all of the prayers on his behalf thus far!
August 23: The little ball of energy, aka, Hannah, had her third birthday party and it was such fun!
September 6: Joseph came home. We went to eat Chinese for lunch for dad's birthday. I regrettably took no pictures of dad, but got several of little man outside the restaurant!

September 7: Labor Day! All the Glenn's came to our house along with my neighbor, Mrs. Chandler, for lunch. I love being around them! Oh! Pam brought Chad to meet the family (and two of his friends). Sadly, Uncle David was the one who wanted him to come, but he ended up spending a few days in the hospital instead!
September 8: Daddy's birthday! Mama, Jared, and I rode with him to teach his Faulkner class and then had dinner at the Mellow Mushroom and played the trivia game they have every Tuesday night!
September 13: We celebrated Keri's birthday after church that night. That afternoon we went to Target to get her gift. Xander picked her out several interesting things for her, my favorite was the Barbie socks (she's 12!) She rocked them on Monday at school! Hehehe! Xander was so proud!
I took this picture of him outside of Target!

September 19: Ladies Day at Sylvan Springs with Cherry Chesser! It was fabulous!
September 26: Jared and I went to Brundidge for his cousin, Adam's, wedding.
That about catches us up!
My birthday post to follow!