* 4/18/09: Jared and Casey went to the Alabama A-Day game. I did not go because I was sick with a sinus infection and was not up for a day in the sun!
*4/24/09: Jared and I went to Indian Creek Youth Camp's Walk-Fest.
*4/25/09: Joseph came home! We went to Xander's baseball game and then, as promised, Joseph took Xander (and me, Jared, and Pam) to Chuck E. Cheese! We had a blast! Then we went back to Mama and Daddy's to hang out. Joseph taught Xander how to shoot a BB gun safely.

*5/1/09: Girl's Night at Sumo and then to see Bride Wars. We had fun! The chef's were too friendly if you catch my drift. I did catch a shrimp in my mouth that the chef tossed at me! I don't think I've ever done that before!
*5/3/09: On the way back from Ragland it was storming so badly that you couldn't see the road. It was scary! I was trying to be brave to keep Xander from freaking out, but I wasn't doing a good job at it. Xander asked mama why the wind was so angry. She laughed and told him to pray to God if he was scared. He folded his little hands, bowed his head, and scrunched up his eyes, and prayed. He looked up and said, "It didn't work!" Patience is something we all need to learn!
Here's another Xander moment. It happened sometime around this same time. We were driving passed this girly shop near Pam's house and I mentioned that I have always wanted to go in there, but never have. Xander asked me what was in there and I told him purses and girl stuff. He said, "Emily, one day, I'm gonna get my money from my piggy bank, then go over to Pam's, and you can come too, and then I'm gonna ask Pam to drive us to this store, and I'm gonna buy you whatever you want!" *Insert Xander's charming grin*
*5/10/09: Happy Mother's Day to the greatest mama ever!
Randy and Tara Nel came to visit and spend the night!
*5/11/09: Jared and I took Andy and Jenny out for their birthdays to Iguana Grill.
*5/14/09: Xander graduated from preschool!

*5/15/09: Jared and I went to Brundidge to visit his family. We ate dinner at The Barn! Yum!
*5/16/09: The Sanders' family gave Jared's cousin Katie, a family bridal shower! It was so nice to see everyone. We played the Newlywed Game and Jared and I came in 2nd place!
*5/17/09: Pam flew to Scottland for a mission trip!
*5/21/09: Addi's kindergarten celebration! Xander loved her show and wanted to be in it! After the program, the kids climbed the climbing wall in the school gym. Xander told Jared he was Spiderman!

*5/22/09: Jared dropped off his parents, granny, and aunt and uncle at the airport. They went to Maryland and Washington for his great Aunt Beulah Mae's 90th birthday party.
*5/23/09: Sylvan Springs Churh of Christ Graduation Banquet! Chris graduated from college. Maybe he will get a job in Birmingham??? Alex graduated from PGHS. Alex had been my buddy that has riden to school with my for five years. I am so proud of him and all that he has accomplished and will accomplish! He's a super young man!
*5/24/09: Jared and I picked up Andy and Jenny from the airport. They had spent a week with Jenny's family in Belize!
*5/25/09: Memorial Day! Jared and I went to visit with Ms. Graham. She is the sweetest lady! She gave me a box full of materials for my Bible class! Next we went to pick up Xander. He had just had lunch with his family. He got in the car and said, " I had a dream about Pam last night." (Pam has been in Scottland for a week.) I said, "Really? What was your dream about?" He said, "Pam got off of the plane and walked up to me, but she didn't hug me. She just took my picture! I said, Pam, where is my surprise from Scottland? And she didn't answer me, she just kept takinf my picture!" I told him that he was gonna go with us to pick Pam up at the airport that night. When Pam called, I told her about Xander's dream. So when we got to the airport Pam had her camera ready, walked up to Xander and just took his picture. He just kept staring at her and wouldn't say anything! It was funny! Anyhow, after we picked up Xander and went to mama and daddy's to have lunch with the Glenn's. It was so good to see the cousins and all! Xander and Chandler had a ball together. Later that evening we went to pick Pam up from the airport. She brought back lots of goodies! Xander got gummies from Scottland. They were kind of good, but had some weird flavors. Black currant??? She also got him two Mr. Men books. She had trouble finding toys over there. She got dad a plaque of our Glenn family crest. She got mama a necklace that is a heather plant smashed into a gemlike stone and also got herself the same thing but as a bracelet. She got Joseph a suit and it is very handsome! She got Jared a tie from St. Andrews, the first golf course ever made. She got me a purse from Harrod's in London and I love it! She also brought back tons of chocolate for us to try as well as several bags for her students to taste and some listerine tasting gum (powerful!) We were proud of all of the work she did and was also glad to see her come home!
*5/27/09: Pam's 28th birthday!
*5/25/09: We went to Xander's last game. His team was 2nd in the league. We brought Addi and Levi while their parents went to Alex's graduation. Xander hit a line drive that resulted in a triple (I fought tears I was so proud!), made a run, hurt his hand, but got on base anyway. The ump gave him the one of the game balls. He had played a double header and was ready for the second game to be over about a third of the way into it. He cried, but I was proud he stuck with it (at one point he was ready to walk off the field and go home, but with much bribing and coaxing he finished:) ) I made good on my promise. One thing from the concession stand if he hit the ball (turned out to be that line drive I was talking about) and two things if he got on base (he got out trying to get to home plate)! So, after the game, Jared went to the concession stand and came back with Sour Straws and an Airhead, as requested! Then his family took him out for ice cream and we headed over to the church for Alex's graduation party.
*5/29/09: Jared and I went to the church and began turning the classroom into the whale/great fish's belly. Then it was off to the airport, yet again, to pick up his parents and crew. We ate dinner with them at Chili's and then they all headed home.
*5/30/09: Jared and I worked on our classroom for VBS, ran some errands, and then we all had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory for Pam's birthday. Then, back to the church to keep getting ready for VBS. Stopped to go to Joe Garrison's graduation celebration (he's a paramedic now) at his house. When we were leaving the Garrison's we got a treat from the ice cream truck and headed back to the church building and worked til midnight!
*5/31/09: I taught all the kid's Bible class (with much help) outside on picnic blankets so they would not see the classrooms until that night. It was a nice treat and another way we got the kids excited for VBS! We worked on the classrooms all afternoon and then it was FINALLY time for Vacation Bible School! Jared, Casey, Pam, Ms. Graham, and I acted out the story of Jonah and the whale. We had so much fun!
*6/1/09: Jared and my 7th wedding anniversary! We went out to eat at Ruby Tuesday, saw Night at the Museum 2, did a little shopping, and then went to VBS. We enjoyed spending the day together!
*6/2/09: I began a two week math workshop.
*6/3/09: The last night of VBS. Ned the Neighbor brought Jared (as a dentist) to VBS!
*6/5 & 6/09: Pam, Jared, and I went to watch Cousin Brianna play in an All-Stars softball tournament in Hueytown. She lots both games, but she is still a great ball player! Go Wild Thangs!
*6/7/09: After dad preached at Ragland, we were on our way to Golden Rule for lunch. Mama said, "Daddy's paying!" Xander looked at dad and said, "Oh man! I meant to bring my money! I was going to buy you lunch for once, Mr. Marty!"
*6/12/09: I finished my last day of the math workshop and then we headed to Brundidge for Jared's dad's birthday and for Father's Day! We ate at The Barn again! Delicious!
*6/15/09: Maddie, Ian, and Hannah came over so Katie could take Jennifer to the doctor. I hope Jennifer's morning sickness goes away soon! The kids were great...except for when Maddie peed on the floor! Just kidding! That night we went to eat at Chili's with Pam. Then, when we tried to get into Target it felt like a monsoon hit. It was only a thunderstorm, but felt like the eye of a tornado! We barely, but soaking wet, made it into Target where the power kept flickering on and off! We met an interesting lady in the bathroom that shared waaay tooo much info! It was funny though!
*6/16/09: We had a devo at David and Susan Courington's house. We enjoyed ourselves so much we stayed until 10:30 pm. We stayed so late we decided to let Xander spend the night. He tried to weasle his way into sleeping right between Jared and I, but ended up on the bed on the floor. He woke up at 3:45 am (after going to bed at 1 am) and said, "Hey! A noise woke me up, so I decided to wake ya'll up!" Jared replied with "Thanks! Now go back to bed!" lol Then he woke up at 5:45 am, and said, "Hey! It's light outside! Time to get up!" I convinced him to go back to sleep and then we all got up at 8. He is the cutest thing!!!!
*6/17-19/09: I've been packing for camp and Jared has been sanding and varnishing Pam's hardwood floors with her.
*6/20/09: Tomorrow is Joseph's 26th birthday! We are all going down to Montgomery to see him and his new place! We are, of course, taking Xander with us! We are taking him out to Red Robin and taking him shopping and then coming back home because tomorrow starts camp and it's Father's Day! So, Happy Father's Day to the best daddy in the world!