We like to celebrate birthdays around here, for about a week! I love it! Last Saturday, we were in Brundidge. Mr. Harry and Mrs. Becky took us out to eat and gave me some gifts (a necklace and earring set that are so pretty and generous gift cards to Red Lobster and Wal-Mart.) Tuesday,we all went with dad to teach his Faulkner class and ate at Mellow Mushroom and played trivia. It wasn't for my birthday but it felt like it because we were all together. On Thursday, I came home from school and found a new pair of shoes on my dresser! Thanks Jared! I also received a card from my grandma in the mail! That night Jared took me out to eat at Chili's and bought me two shirts and a pair of pants. I love my hubby!
Friday morning I woke up like normal and got ready for work. I received two birthday texts, one from Pam and one from Rachel! I left for work. I pulled out of my driveway, drove around to the front of the house and saw this...

My friends and sister flamingoed (or pingoed, as Hannah called it) my yard the night before!
I pulled over, got out of the car to take pictures and I started laughing and crying at the same time! I felt so loved and lucky to have such good friends!
When I got to work, I got a phone call for Joseph! He sang happy birthday to me, but changed the words around to something like this:
"Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
My sister who inspired me to be a teacher,
And I love her so much!"
So I got teary eyed again!
So far being 30 was making me emotional!
Next, all my students came in and began handing me cards and gifts! One had her grandmother bake me a cake and my room mom brought us all cupcakes and even lit a candle for me to blow out! They were so excited! One of my favorites was a card made by a student. It was very pretty and well thought out. The front had she and I, colored brown. The inside another portrait of she and I colored white. Very funny! That afternoon she made me another card that was all stapled up on both sides. When I finally pried it open, out popped a mangled, but still covered in its original paper, bar of hotel soap!
I also received birthday texts from Kim and Paul!
My coworkers were going to cook me taco soup, but our principal decided to cook all of the teachers soup, ruining their surprise! It was nice of them to think of me! They also gave me a nice card with a gift card to Target inside!
That evening, we met several friends and family members at Cracker Barrel.
Today I had plans to go shopping with Katie and Hannah while Jared helped his brother and Jenny move to a new apartment. Jennifer came too and Pam was to meet us there at Target. We got to Target and received a call from Pam telling us she was hungry (she had run a 5k that morning) so we were gonna meet somewhere to eat. We left Target with me naming all the area restaurants. I thought it was strange neither Katie nor Jennifer would confirm a place to eat. Katie said she wanted to ride to downtown Trussville to see what was that way. As we drove, I named more restaurants that were down that way and even naming a place I had always wanted to try, The Chocolate Bisquit Tea Room. No one said anything and so we kept driving. Katie turned into The Chocolate Bisquit. I thought to myself, oh, their gonna eat here since I always say we should come here, probably because it was my birthday yesterday, but I never said anything or suspected anything either, for that matter! I called Pam and said we are eatting at The Chocolate Bisquit. I heard a lot of noise in the background and asked her where was she. She told me she was at Arby's and she would leave there and meet us at the tea room. We walked in and I fell in love, looking at the quaint restaurant, noting that Katie gave the hostess a look and said we are going to the back as the hostess just nodded, but I thought to myself, I missed her saying table for 4 because I was admiring the place! Anyhow, we walked to the back and there sat Pam (how did she get here so fast?) and...Kim..."Hey what is going on???" They said "Happy Birthday!" They wanted to make my 30th special! How sweet! Then my mama showed up! I thought she was at the camp yard sale!!!! Kim handed me a card from her and Rachel (Rachel had to work). It was my only 30th birthday card that actually said 30 on it AND it contained a promise of lunch and Painted By U with Kim and Rachel! Yay! Another place I've always wanted to go!!! I am the luckiest girl in the WORLD!!! After lunch it was back to shopping where mama got me a dress and gave me some money from she and dad! They had given me one present earlier this summer, some croc sandals, that I have been wearing all summer.
So, I've concluded that if being 30 means a fantastic, loving husband, a caring christian family, special sisters and friends in Christ, and great coworkers to interact with, then I'm gonna love it!
So, it's official, I'm thirty, flirty (well maybe not this one:) )and FABULOUS!