It's A Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown...
Jennifer had the great idea of getting the little kids at church together for some Halloween fun! We met after morning worship for lunch at the church building. Mama made pizza crusts of all sizes so the kids could make their very own pizzas. We played games, ate, listened to Halloween music, had Halloween storytime, and watched, It's A Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. I had so much fun getting ready for this event! The kids wore me out, though! Xander came home with us so his family could be at the hospital (his mom had just been admitted the night before, stayed in ICU for over 3 weeks, and later passed away. Please pray for our friends, the Hosmers, Mrs. Linda was a good friend!)We always have a good time when Xander comes over, and have since deemed Sunday afternoons as Wii time (our Little man is addicted to video games :) Xander helped me decorate for Halloween and I had the best time with him! I love experiencing things through his eyes! He put Halloween cutouts all over our pantry door and dishwasher. Jared said I needed to take it down because it looked tacky, but I didn't want to cause I loved the way he displayed it had a story behind it! The ghost was hidden behind the dishtowel, so "when Jared dries his hands, he'll scream 'Ahhh! A ghost'" The whole setup was cute, so Jared relented and left it up til Halloween!
Xander trying on the mullet wig!

Notice the Halloween decor!

Bathtime fun with Xander...
Another weekend Xander spent the night with us. I gave him a mohawk while he was taking a bath and he thought he was "So cool!" and yelled "Rock on!"