The week Enoch was born was a very busy one for us. We were having a gospel meeting at church all week which meant fellowship meals and worship every evening. This is an incredibly uplifting time, but can be very exhausting as well, especially at 37 weeks pregnant! I was uncomfortable and having pains and pressure as Enoch was already very low in the birth canal. On Tuesday, November 9, the doctor told me that Enoch would not make his due date and would be here any day. Also at this same visit my blood pressure was high, for me, and they were acting weird the whole time I was in the doctor's office. They did some bloodwork and sent me on my way; however, their weird silent behavior was more than this hormonal lady could take. Now I really hadn't had very many hormonal moments during this pregnancy, but this day they got me worked up. I called Jared crying and told him what was going on. He ended up getting worked up himself and left work to come home and take care of me. He has been so good to me during this pregnancy and I really couldn't have asked for better! Wednesday Jared was afraid to go to work because he didn't want to be two hours away in case I went into labor. We spent the day nesting and shopping for last minute baby supplies. Thursday the doctor had me come back in to check my blood pressure. Jared and I thought they might go ahead and admit us so we had our packed bags in the car just in case. She told us he would be here any day now. When we realized they were going to send us back home, we jokingly asked if they would induce because we were so excited to meet our sweet baby boy! She said she would next week if we wanted to and then she left the room. I realized she didn't tell us when to come back for our next visit so I ran out into the hall to catch her and ask. She laughed and said you don't need an appointment because you'll be back by this weekend to have him! She said we could make an appointment for Monday, but she would be seeing us before then. This increased our excitement and we were both a little speechless! We made that Monday appointment and I waddled out of the office! My family from PA, OH, and GA were in town and we secretly hoped Enoch would make his arrival so they could all meet him, otherwise Enoch may be closer to 1 yrs. old before some of them would meet him, or older. My grandma's birthday was the following Monday and we also hoped for that day as well. Enoch is the 14th great grandchild and we thought it would be special. Anyhow, Jared decided to not go to work again so we ate Mexican and ran more errands. That evening we were to eat dinner at my parents with our family from out of town. We had a good time! We also got to open gifts for Enoch sent by my grandma from her and some of my aunts up north. Without being gross, we had a sign that labor could be in a day or so. Now all week I apparently had been having contractions, but since I could stand them (I have a high tolerance for pain) I didn't realize that was what they were. How am I supposed to know? :) Anyhow, Jared had decided he would have to go back to work on Friday so he wouldn't use all of his days before the baby got here. He didn't want to, but he needed to. That night I had to sleep on the couch because of the pain and discomfort. Jared put the baby monitor on me and went to bed in our room (I insisted). I woke up very often through the night in pain, but would go back to sleep. Jared said he woke up and checked on me through the monitor and noticed that I was asleep with a pained look on my face and my hand on my forehead! At 2:36 am I woke up to a gush! My eyes popped open and I was thinking I think this is my water breaking but if it happens again it's the real deal and not in my head. Afterall, we were praying this would happen before Jared got up for work at 4:15 am! Immediately there was another gush! I hopped up from that couch faster than I had in months! One, I was excited, and two, I didn't want to get the couch messy! I started yelling and laughing, calling to Jared telling him, "It's time! My water broke! This is the real! Jared! Jared!" He came running out of the bedroom and found me in the bathroom. I told him my water broke and he became excited! We were both so giddy, but not really flustered like you might would think. I told him to get in the shower and he tried to argue. I told him he didn't know when we would get another one so we better take one now! He got in the shower and I called the doctor. Then I called my parents, Pam, Jared's parents, and my brother! Pam acted the craziest, as she became completely flustered! It was funny! Jared helped me into the shower and I quickly bathed. He helped me get dressed, packed a few things in the car, most we had been leaving in there, and then we headed to the hospital! Jared drove extra cautiously! We even saw two deer near our house which made him want to drive even more cautiously! We got to the hospital around 3:40 am, walked up to the birthing suites and checked in. They put us in a triage room to make sure we were really in labor! I told the nurse she could tell by looking at my pants! She laughed, but still had to perform the routine tests. Of course we really were in labor so they wheeled me to a room. Next, we were being prepped for delivery. Our family began arriving and we got to see them for a few minutes before I got my epidural.
Me on cloud 9!

Me and mama

Me and daddy

Me and my sister, Pam

Me and my brother, Joseph

Me and Jared's parents

Me & Aunt Kendra

Me & my cousin Erica

Me & my cousin Denni Jo

Me & my Grandma

Me & Jared, our last photo as a family of two