Yesterday marked week 11 in our pregnancy! Jared and I both got to hear the heartbeat this afternoon for the first time! Jared barely made it to the doctor's office in time. The nurse found it and we listened for a minute waiting on Jared. Then she stopped and Jared walked right in so she found it again. It took a minute because in that short time the baby moved from the spot it was just in. I'm so glad the nurse was kind enough to find it again so Jared could hear it. She said the heartbeat was in the 170's. Jared asked her did that mean boy or girl? She said she couldn't really say, but if you just went off that, it meant girl. Jared was happy because he thinks we are having a girl and that would make him right. :) I think boy and the Chinese chart said 83% boy which would make me right! My principal and a couple of coworkers pulled the Chinese chart up and had me answer those questions. It was slightly akward, but fun!
In other news, I still have morning sickness everyday, most of the day. I suck preggie drops and wear a sea band. I threw up for the first time last Tuesday morning and then again this morning. I have felt pretty bad all day today, but I am not complaining.
Here is my first belly pic. Now me let me preface by saying that I am not naive to think that part of that belly was me before I was pregnant; however, I never had that bump above my belly button and my belly never poked out like that nor was it rounded. I guess it really started showing at the end of week 10, but I needed Jared to confirm it for me officially. first shot.
You look great and I hope that the sickness passes soon so you will feel great too. The baby bump is adorable. :)
You look so cute! I always love being pregnant so that I have an excuse for a little bit of a tummy :)
Can't wait to see how adorable your little baby belly looks next month!
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