On Saturday, December 5, 2009, two fun events happened!
One it snowed...in Alabama!
This is the scene we admired on the way to the Christmas parade!

Xander spent the night with us the night before so he could come to the parade, too!
Here's a picture of Xander at the parade. I had a really sweet one of all the kids from church who were there, but I accidentally erased it when I was erasing pics off my camera! Ugh! Oh well! Jennifer invited us over for pancakes and hot cocoa after the parade. This was a very sweet gesture considering she was very pregnant and had been having contractions (too early). She did have some awesome help and the food was great, but the fellowship was even better!

Well, we stayed too long at the McCuiston's so we it left little time for us to get our outside Christmas decorations up and get Xander home before the BIG game! Alabama won the SEC Championship, but the Sanders's Christmas decor never got all the way up! Oh well...we will try again next year!
Other exciting things we did this week, but had no pics for...
Sunday, Dec. 6: Our church held a Progressive Lunch and traveled from house to house by way of church bus to eat each tasty part of our lunch!
We started out for appetizers at Susan and David C.'s (Phyllis & Kent helped), then here at our house for salad (with Mom & Dad, and Pam helping), next stop at Billy & Mary C.'s for chicken fingers, the main course (with James & Amy C. helping), then over to Mark & Mia W.'s for soup ( with Ms. Jackson & Ms. Wylie helping), and last stop...desert at Paul & Kim K's! I really had a wonderful time and I hope all that were involved did as well! I want to make this a fall tradition!
Friday, Dec. 11: Young adult Christmas Party at the McCuiston home! We had a very good time with A LOT of loopy laughter! I am so glad they decided to host the party! We are so blessed with such a good group of friends!