I know, everyone knows that by now, but what can I say? I'm behind! Anyhow, we our ultrasound at 19 weeks. We had several attendees to this spectacular event! Don't laugh, he is the first grandbaby on both sides and has been a long time prayed for so we may have gone overboard but we don't care! :) Jared, of course, was there, front and center, probably making it hrad for others to see the monitor hehehe, Mama (with my dad on speaker phone since he had to work), Pam (with Joseph since he was at work all the way in Montgomery, but that didn't keep him from talking the whole time, hollering, "What is it? Is it a girl? What's taking so long? hehehe, Jared's mom and dad, and his brother, Andy. The ultrasound tech was toruring us not saying anything, but FINALLY rolled over his rump and said, "So what do you think it is?" Jared was speechless, jaw dropped, he just knew it was a girl (as did Pam and many others) and said, "It's a boy!" I was laughing and crying as were most, and Joseph was bragging that he knew it was a boy the whole time (he was right and so was I!) We found out he was measuring a week ahead and after all it took him to get here, we are 100% sure the due date is right and that he is just a big boy! Joseph said, "I knew it was a boy, a big Sanders boy!" After the doctor visit, we left and went straight to Baies R Us! Jared's parents bought the baby an Atlanta Braves baseball suit and an Atlanta Braves hooded jacket! We had fun looking at all the boy stuff!
Meet Enoch Jared Sanders!